Sunday, March 6, 2011

My opinion doesn't really matter...

I've never claimed to be saavy in politics, but somehow I'm an opinionated liberal. It may be genetic or just learned from a long line of like-minded people. Either way, I feel being a liberal is closest to along the lines of my core beliefs in the manner. I guess I just need to hear myself explain why.

The most significant reason for my beliefs lies in my emotional connection with other people. I think that I feel empathy for other people in different kinds of circumstances all over the world. I feel like I can understand what they would say if they were to voice their concerns and thoughts on the way things should be, through their eyes.

I voted for Obama. Am I maybe a little disappointed? Yes. Do I regret voting for him? No. Because if I were to have voted for McCain, I would have been going against my own values on how we should interact as a country and with other countries.

Why am I a liberal? The major reason is that I believe in social reform. I believe in social funds. I believe in TAXES. I believe in extending my hand to other people that need help. I do believe in working hard for my own money, and I do every day. But I don't complain about the taxes that are taken out of my paycheck- because I know that this money is going to improving the state and country I live in. I know that money is going to someone who needs it a little bit more than me. I support taxes. I guess that makes me a Democrat.

Do I think the system is flawed? Yes. One thing I cannot stand is the people that take advantage of the welfare system. For some, it's as simple as popping out a few more kids for the extra zero on the welfare check. Yes, it does sicken me that someone could take advantage of a hand-up like welfare, but I do not think the lazy and ignorant should ruin it for the people that have come upon hard times. I do think there needs to be a more extensive screening process. Maybe mandatory, public-college or trade classes should be required for the adult benefitting from welfare. I'm not an expert on the subject but I think that there are many things the current administration (or any administration) could do differently. SOMETHING needs to change, but the answer is NOT to get rid of social-funds like welfare.

I feel it is our obligation as humans to take care of our kind in need. Some people are physically unable to work to support themselves; take my aunt who has MS and is paralyzed. Thanks to money awarded to her from the local and federal governments, through taxpayer money, and the support and love from of the people around her, she is taken care of and has enough money to meet her needs. She is not rich and not swimming in the benefits of the system- she is just surviving.

There is also an obvious population control issue going on the United States. And, a lot of it has to do with illegal immigration. Is it a problem? Yes. Would I, personally, want to get out of Mexico? Yes. Would that mean jumping the border if it meant the safety of my family? Most definitely. Drug cartels are controlling Mexican government. The Sex-Trade is at its worst. Violence and rape are rampant. The protocol for legal immigration into the United States is tedious, and not guaranteed. I have empathy for the people, the families of Mexico who are trying to do what is best for their family, in the worst of situations.

The idea of the United States must be idyllic to the people wanting to immigrate from other countries in hardship. And when we talk about the "culture" of the United States, we acknowledge the idea of the "melting-pot". We are ALL a product of someone who made the decision to IMMIGRATE here from another country (minus the Native Americans... but that's another discussion). Did some of my ancestors immigrate here illegally from European countries? Yes. Who am I to say that Mexicans can't come in, just because my bloodline got here a few centuries before them, and found circumstances a litte more favorable?

What is the answer to this? I don't really know. Maybe we should be more open to the idea of immigration- maybe make a prerequisite for their 'Green Card' be to learn English. I do agree that they cannot stay here if they are just milking the system; they should learn English and become productive members of the American Workforce. They should pay taxes before they receive our medical benefits. Many of them already do.

But maybe we should also talk about not overpopulating the world by making your family 5 times the size it needs to be, to do "God's work". Talk about a GIGANTIC carbon foot print. I'm pretty sure Mexicans can do God's work too. Isn't that the point? Love thy neighbor? We want more American kids to overpopulate the country and spread the good word... but can't Mexican immigrants, in their enitirety, do the job just as well? Just a thought (or maybe a liberal tirade).

The arguments that go against my personal political beliefs are of valid concern. But the only thing they conjure within me, is the idea that the social system needs change.

The idea of helping and loving our fellow man, is the basis for my political beliefs. Is there manipulation of people and politicians with similar beliefs? Yes. And it sucks. The point is that we need to rearrange; we need to discuss new options- we need to edit social reform, not eliminate it.

I am not offeneded by,nor feel the need to council someone with different beliefs than me. I feel that if they are being true to their core values and beliefs through their political opinions, right on! But to me, compassion is an unmatched basis for political stance. I want to see, but mostly I want to be a part of helping my fellow country-men; and bettering the country we live in.

And that is what I needed to hear myself say.

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